Pry Loose Stubborn Programs

My first strategy in getting rid of an unwanted, but impossible-to-uninstall program is straightforward and usually successful: Reinstall the application and then remove it using Revo Uninstaller. If that works, cool, you're already home free; crack open a beer and celebrate.

Unfortunately, reinstalling the app isn't always possible. One reason could be that the program took a nose dive the first time you installed it, maybe stopping midway. If it left bits of detritus on your PC, the junk easily confuses the installation program, an app that's usually not very smart as it is. So you might see the program's icon in the Start menu, but you get an error message when trying to run it.

Start by running Microsoft's Windows Installer CleanUp Utility. If the program you're having trouble with was installed using Windows Installer, the Cleanup Utility will list the program; select it to clean up remaining parts of the incomplete or faulty installation program. The Cleanup Utility won't do any harm . . . . . .

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