
Showing posts from January, 2011

How to Buy a Wireless Router

It's hard to imagine a modern home or business network without a wireless router, but that doesn't mean it's easy to pick the right router. Our guide can help you choose the best one for your network. You'd think that hardware as ubiquitous as the wireless router would be easier to choose, configure, and manage; you'd think that, by now, manufacturers would all be delivering dead-simple hardware that worked right out of the box, no matter what the RF environment in your office. Well, routers  are  better,  faster , and simpler than ever (at least the good ones are). But you still need to be an informed customer if you want to pick the right router for your needs. And you'll still need to know some (mostly) simple tricks to get the most out of your router, even if the basic setup has become pretty simple. Our guide can help you on both counts. More at:

How To Set Up A Home Network In 5 Simple Steps

Networking a new tech toy has become the modern equivalent of the dreaded "some assembly required." But setting up a secure, robust network isn't hard—if you know what you're doing. Since you're a reader, chances are you got a shiny new tech toy as a holiday gift. Maybe it was an 802.11n wireless router, a NAS device, a new Netbook, or an iPad. One thing all of these devices have in common: they need to be attached to your home network. The introduction of a new piece of hardware is the perfect time to set up or reorganize your home network. For many people, this is the most painful part of the tech experience. Let's face it, networking a new piece of tech you got for the holidays is the latter-day "some assembly required." No matter what networking hardware makers tell you, setting up your home network involves more than just purchasing and plugging in a router. But that doesn't mean that it has to be a nightmare, either. You  can  s...